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  • Writer's pictureAndy Best

My First BloG!!!!! A Busy Past Two Years...

WOW! its been a very busy two years since Rocket and I left the studio in west London in search of sun and adventures (succeeded on both accounts)

at home on top of a spanish mountain

Palm Beach in Cannes France

compulsory travelling beard

Four months of travelling and we'd spent all (and more) of our budget, we done well considering the odd costly mishap so we headed home. It was sad to leave the sun and the drive back was treacherous and we had to deal with snow just past Madrid.. Scary at times we almost became stranded!

The tyre situation was not good!!

finally found a place to stop eat and drink for the night..He loved it of course.. this is bear country :0


Yep that was a cold night... for the first time ever Rocket stayed under the duvet till morning :)

Back in the UK we started again.. based at my lovely mums where i made this website and waited for my lovely girlfriend to return from her adventures in the US.. We decided Brighton was going to be our new home.. we missed the sea, and with a very sick van we made our way slowly to our new flat in hove

we love Hove

Unfortunately I need to work.. i consider a few things but the focus is still to create. I get a part time job with the local YMCA... so much i can do here... so much stuff to paint on!! Ideas are popping out all over the place.. the people are great and it didnt take long to get settled in, making good contacts and a lot of support for my painting.


So here we are, kind of up to date..reckon the next blog will detail my haphazzard attempts at creating stuff without a studio throughout the past year.. it was difficult at most times! Exciting challanges are ahead though and that illusive studio space is not far off I feel

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